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Montshire STEM Teacher-Leader Certificate Program

The Montshire STEM Teacher Leader Certificate Program is a year-long experience for classroom teachers designed to create and support a network of classroom teachers who have the tools, knowledge, and passion to become leaders for STEM education in their schools. Work with Montshire Educators and other teachers to enhance your STEM teaching and share your experience back at your school.

Be a Force for Change in Your Classroom and School

Over the course of the Teacher Leader program, teachers will meet 5 times in person and 3 times virtually to participate in over 30 hours of professional development that will include hands-on workshops and activities, discussions on science education, and conversations with scientists and engineers at the Montshire and local organizations.

Sessions give teachers access to the museum’s resources, including staff and community expertise, curriculum resources, and exhibit areas, and a 1-year individual museum membership.

During the school year, participating teachers will:
The Montshire’s education team will serve as the core faculty for this program. Each Montshire staff member will offer their depth and diversity of expertise in STEM education.

  • Receive extensive professional development in STEM education
  • Collaborate with other passionate educators from across the region
  • Be coached and mentored by experts in STEM education
  • Develop the skills and theoretical science understanding to support inquiry-based science education in your classrooms
  • Infuse a culture of excitement for science learning in your school community

After completing the program, participants are expected to lead a STEM education professional development experience for their colleagues at their home school during the following school year. This can occur during an in-service day, faculty meeting period, or at a regional or state-wide teacher conference within 1 year of completing the program.

A $300 stipend will be provided to each participating teacher to support food and any additional expenses for classroom use. Montshire will also reimburse participants for their travel separately.

This program is for you if:

  • You want to strengthen your expertise in STEM education
  • You have at least two years of classroom experience
  • You want to develop working relationships with other passionate educators

Details and dates for the 2024-25 school year will be posted this summer. Expect applications to be submitted by around September 20, 2024.

Please reach out to Adam Blankenbicker, Director of Education, if you have any questions:

Program Overview:

Program Components Details
Kick-Off institute:
An introduction to inquiry-based science, engineering and experimental design through the lens of NGSS, as well as an opportunity to set and share goals for the year.
Group Collaboration: Curriculum Workshopping:
Participating teachers and museum educators work in small groups, based on curriculum needs and interests, to further their own classroom lessons and activities.
Three Workshop Sessions:
Full-day workshops, each focuses on a specific science content area and related science practices. Each workshop includes the following components:
a. Inquiry-Based Professional Development Workshop
b. Lesson Share and Reflection, facilitated by a participating teacher
c. Cohort Field Trip or Visit, where teachers meet with field-based experts and scientists
“Teach the Teachers” Workshop
Each Teacher Leader will create a professional development workshop for colleagues at their school. This process is supported with video conferences throughout the school year with Montshire Educators and fellow Teacher Leaders. Depending on the number of participants, this may take place over 1 or 2 afternoon sessions lasting about 60-90 minutes after school, ending by 4:30pm.